Download Mac Os X 10.10 Combo Updated

Download Mac Os X 10.10 Combo

Updated and republished for macOS xi.half-dozen.half-dozen; skip it unless you actually actually care virtually all the macOS releases. Originally published on Nov 14th, 2005.

Below the break is a table showing all major releases of macOS (previously Mac Os 10) from the public beta through the latest public version, which is 11.6.half dozen, every bit of April 7th, 2022—the 166th release in total.

Note: Click the ⓘ symbol to read Apple's release notes for a given update.

The following was culled from Apple's support downloads page, and as such, some of the dates may exist off only a scrap. If yous know for certain that something is incorrect, delight permit me know and I'll get it fixed. (Scroll to see all entries.)







2022 Apr 7 7 11.6.six 2.5.3 GB No info page (yet?)
Mar 31 17 12.3.1 1.31 GB
Mar xiv 28 12.3 4.38 GB
11.6.5 ???
Feb 14 4 eleven.6.4 ???
February 10 14 12.two.ane i.04 GB
January 27 45 12.2 1.94 GB
11.6.3 ???
2021 Dec xiii 49 12.1 2.36 GB
xi.6.2 ii.6GB GB
Oct 25 7 12.0.1 2.34 GB First general release of Monterey
Oct 18 35 12.0 12.13 GB Monterey - 12.0 simply on new MBPs
Oct 25 42 2.56 GB
Sep 13 34 11.six 2.64 GB
Aug 11 15 11.5.2 2.5 GB
Jul 26 5 eleven.5.1 two.2 GB Patch for exploited security issue
Jul 21 58 eleven.v 2.ix GB
May 24 21 eleven.4 3.ane GB
May iii 7 eleven.iii.1 3.3 GB Security update merely?
Apr 26 49 eleven.3 v.71 GB
Mar eight 11 11.ii.3 2.44 GB
Feb 25 sixteen 11.two.2 2.17 GB
February ix 8 11.2.1 two.43 GB
Feb 1 49 xi.two three.25 GB
2020 December xiv 25 11.i 3.27 GB
November nineteen 7 11.0.1 2.81 GB Beginning full general release of Big Sur
Nov 12 7 11.0 12.xviii GB Large Sur - 11.0 only shipped on M1 Macs
Nov 5 43 10.fifteen.vii SU1 1.21 GB
Sep 23 42 x.15.7 2.86 GB
Aug 12 28 10.15.6 SU1 3.22 GB
Jul xv 44 10.15.6 3.35 GB
Jun 1 half dozen x.15.5 SU1 ane.59 GB
May 26 48 ten.fifteen.5 3.37 GB
May 21 -- x.14.half dozen SU4 151 MB No info page - set up for some 32-bit apps
Apr 8 15 ten.15.4 SU1 i.38 GB
Mar 24 56 10.15.4 3.0 GB
Jan 28 49 10.15.three three.0 GB
2019 Dec ten 42 10.15.2 3.0 GB
Oct 29 14 x.15.1 4.5 GB
Oct 15 8 10.xv SU1 985 MB No info page
Oct seven 11 10.15 4.nine GB Catalina - You need more than permission!
Sep 26 31 10.14.6 SU3 1.32 GB
Aug 26 25 x.14.6 SU2 1.25 GB
Aug one 10 10.14.6 SU1 949 MB
Jul 22 70 10.14.6 2.7 GB
May 13 49 ten.fourteen.5 ii.five GB
Mar 25 62 x.xiv.4 2.viii GB
Jan 22 48 10.14.3 ii.0 GB
2018 Dec 5 28 10.14.2 ii.5 GB
November seven 8 10.14.1 SU1 1.3 GB For 2018 MacBook Air
Oct thirty 36 10.14.i 3.3 GB
Sep 24 27 10.14 five.2 GB Mojave - You need permission!
Aug 28 38 10.13.6 SU2 i.32 GB For 2018 Bear upon Bar MBP…again
Jul 24 fifteen 10.13.6 SU1 one.31 GB For 2018 Bear on Bar MBP
Jul 9 38 10.13.half dozen 1.32 GB AirPlay 2
Jun i 64 x.13.five 2.12 GB Messages in iCloud
Mar 29 37 10.xiii.4 2.36 GB Sortable Safari bookmarks!!
Feb 20 28 x.13.3 SU 40.iv MB Indian character/Messages crash set
Jan 23 33 x.thirteen.3 1.97 GB
Jan 8 33 ten.13.2 SU 633.6 MB Spectre and Meltdown fixes
2017 Dec 6 36 x.13.2 ii.08 GB
Oct 31 26 ane.47 GB
Oct v 10 10.thirteen SU 915 MB Addresses 2 security problems
Sep 25 68 10.13 4.8 GB High Sierra - Higher in the mountains?
Jul nineteen 65 ane.98 GB
May 15 49 10.12.5 i.57 GB
Mar 27 63 ten.12.4 one.56 GB Night Shift
Jan 23 41 ten.12.3 i.05 GB
2016 Dec 13 50 x.12.2 1.94 GB
Oct 24 34 10.12.1 1.36 GB
Sep xx 64 10.12 iv.77 GB Sierra - All the same in the mountains.
Jul 18 63 10.11.6 759 MB
May 16 57 10.eleven.5 759 MB
Mar 20 61 x.xi.4 1.58 GB
Jan 19 41 10.xi.three 662 MB
2015 Dec ix 49 10.11.2 1.4 GB
Oct 21 21 10.11.i 1.19 GB
Sep thirty 48 x.xi 6.08 GB El Capitan - Go climb something!
Aug 13 44 10.10.five 1.02 GB
Jun 30 75 10.x.4 i.09 GB
Apr 16 8 ten.ten.3 SU one.8 MB Supplemental Update
Apr eight 71 10.10.3 ane.52 GB Includes Photos app
Jan 27 71 ten.10.2 544 MB
2014 Nov 17 32 311 MB
Oct xvi 29 ten.10 5.2 GB Yosemite - No surfers hither.
Sep 17 79 10.nine.5 139 MB
Jun 30 46 ten.nine.four 283 MB
May 15 79 x.ix.iii 461 MB
Feb 25 71 ten.9.2 460 MB
2013 Dec sixteen 55 10.nine.1 243.four MB
Oct 22 xix 10.9 5.3 GB Mavericks - All out of big cats!
Oct 3 21 10.eight.five SU 19.half-dozen MB Supplemental Update
Sep 12 100 10.8.5 273.vii MB
Jun 4 82 10.8.4 152.0 MB
Mar fourteen 161 10.8.3 249.0 MB
2012 Oct four xv ten.8.two SU 26.7 MB Supplemental Update
Sep 19 27 x.eight.2 665.v MB
Aug 23 29 10.8.1 24.2 MB
Jul 25 77 10.8 4.1 GB Mountain Lion - App Store only
October 4 xv x.7.5 SU two.0 MB Supplemental Update
Sep 19 133 i.1 GB Released w/ 10.viii.2
May 9 98 ten.7.4 692.7 MB
February 1 112 i.iii GB Only combo updater available
2011 Oct 12 56 768.viii MB Now iCloud enabled
Aug 17 29 10.7.ane 79.three MB
Jul xix 26 4.1 GB Lion - App Store only (USB stick later)
Jun 23 94 ten.6.8 453.half dozen MB App Shop readied for Panthera leo
Mar 21 74 ten.6.7 475 MB
January 6 57 10.6.6 143.6 MB Can you say "App Store?"
2010 Nov ten 148 644.v MB
Jun 15 78 ten.6.4 607.2 MB
Mar 29 140 10.6.3 719.2 MB
2009 Nov 9 60 10.6.ii 473 MB
Sep 10 xiii x.half 71.five MB
Aug 28 23 ten.6 2.31 GB Snowfall Leopard - Kickoff Intel-only release
Aug five 85 10.five.8 274 MB
May 12 148 10.5.7 442 MB
2008 Dec 15 91 10.v.6 372 MB
Sep xv 77 ten.5.5 316 MB
Jun thirty 33 x.5.4 88 MB
May 28 107 10.5.3 420 MB
Feb 11 88 10.five.2 343 MB Combo updater only
2007 Nov xv twenty 110 MB
Oct 26 128 10.five two.15 GB Leopard - First universal binary release
November 14 147 10.4.11 128 MB This 'x' goes to '11'
Jun 20 99 10.4.10 72 MB
Mar 13 165 x.four.9 160 MB
2006 Sep 29 94 ten.4.eight 206 MB
Jun 27 85 10.4.7 133 MB
Apr 3 48 10.4.6 163 MB
Feb 14 35 ten.4.v 16 MB
Jan 10 71 10.iv.iv 55 MB First Intel-capable release
2005 October 31 111 ten.iv.iii 97 MB
Jul 12 57 10.iv.2 44 MB
May 16 17 x.4.1 37 MB
Apr 29 fourteen 10.4 i.78 GB Tiger
Apr fifteen 65 10.3.9 51.3 MB
Feb ix 56 10.iii.8 26.6 MB
2004 Dec fifteen 40 x.three.7 97 MB Combo updater only
November 5 88 10.3.6 34 MB
Aug 9 75 x.iii.v ???
May 26 72 ten.three.4 79 MB Combo updater only
Mar 15 89 10.iii.three 70 MB Philharmonic updater only
2003 December 17 37 10.iii.2 36.9 MB
November 10 17 10.iii.1 1.five MB
Oct 24 21 ten.3 one.54 GB Panther
Oct 3 57 10.two.viii forty MB
Sep 22 139 x.2.7 ??? Only for certain G5s/G4s
May six 26 10.2.6 26 MB
Apr x 56 x.2.5 81.9 MB
Feb thirteen 56 x.two.4 76 MB
2002 December 19 38 10.ii.iii 51 MB
Nov 11 54 x.2.2 24.4 MB
Sep 18 26 x.2.1 16.3 MB Update non available?
Aug 23 79 10.2 ane.03 GB Jaguar
Jun 5 47 10.1.5 45.1 MB Philharmonic updater only
Apr 19 57 10.1.4 1.7 MB
Feb 21 62 10.1.3 xvi MB
2001 Dec 21 37 ten.1.2 29.2 MB
Nov 14 50 10.ane.1 13.8 MB
Sep 25 95 10.i 989 MB Puma
Jun 22 44 10.0.four 12 MB
May 9 8 10.0.3 xv MB
May ane 15 x.0.two fifteen MB Released but replaced (see comments)
Apr sixteen 23 10.0.1 4 MB
Mar 24 192 10.0 659 MB Chetah
2000 Sep 13 -- 10.0β 676 MB Public Beta

Notation: The Days column reflects the number of days between releases.

Some entries may appear out of chronological gild (i.east. 10.5 is shown on October 26, but above Nov fourteen for 10.4.eleven). This is to keep the version numbers in the proper order, even when an older OS received an update after a major new release came out. This has happened a few times over the years.

Some random notes, updated from the original post:

  • Starting with the Public Beta and up through 12.3.i, there take been 165 macOS releases, both major and minor. This figure includes the one odd macOS X release: 10.ii.7. This version was only for the then-new PowerMac G5 and the apartment panel iMac G4, and was never mostly released.
  • As of March 31st, 2022 (12.3.1's release date), it's been 7,869 days since the Public Beta was released. And then on boilerplate, we've seen some sort of update every days.
  • The shortest time period between any 2 releases is six days, which is how chop-chop the x.15.5 Supplemental Update 1 came out afterwards the 10.15.5 release.
  • The longest time period between any two minor releases is 165 days, which was how long nosotros waited for the 10.4.nine update. (Tecnically, information technology's really the 192 day interval between the Mac OS 10 Public Beta and version 10.0, only I'thou counting from the official ten.0 release.)
  • The smallest update was, at only ane.5MB. The largest (non-combo, not-primary OS release) update was ten.xv.1 at 5.3GB.
  • The "???" entry for Size on a given release indicates I was unable to find the size. Feel free to contact me if you can help replace any of the "???" entries.

And now, gratuitous graphics…

Releases by version number

Releases by twelvemonth

A special "thank you lot!" goes to Mr. Ziebell (for providing some size values on very-one-time small updates), and to Benton Quest (for providing size info on all the major releases upward through Snow Leopard). See Benton'south comment below if you want a nicely detailed history of those early releases.

Download Mac Os X 10.10 Combo

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